NET library to subscribe for Windows operating system global user actions such mouse, keyboard, clipboard & print events
justcoding121/windows-user-action-hook A. gbps/gbhv Simple x86-64 VT-x Hypervisor with EPT Hooking. crosire/scripthookvdotnet An ASI plugin for Grand Theft Auto V, which allows running scripts written in any. ysc3839/fontmod Simple hook tool to change Win32 program font. boppreh/keyboard Hook and simulate global keyboard events on Windows and Linux. 2015.12 Investigating Memory Analysis Tools – SSDT Hooking via Pointer Replacement. sqdwr/64-bits-inserthook insert a ssdt table to hook. wyrover/hkkerneldbg F**k ssdt hook in np, tp, hs. cherryzy/process_protect_module Monitor and protect processes use "PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx" and kernel ssdt hook. s18leoare/hackshield-driver-bypass Bypass HackShield several specific SSDT hook in Ring0. int0/processisolator Utility to hook SSDT of specific process and transfer control to a service (usermode app) for handling to determine action allow/deny API call etc. NET methods (even framework methods) and Native methods entirely in. elliesaur/dotnethook A hook proof of concept with no native dependencies. 20chan/globalhook Simple global keyboard, mouse hook and simulation library written C#. thaisenpm/loader1 Nova Hook is an open source VB.NET cheat loader currently built for CS:GO. NET managed wrapper for Low Level Keyboard hooking. lontivero/open.winkeyboardhook A simple and easy-to-use. thaisenpm/loader2 Nova Hook is an open source C# cheat loader currently built for CS:GO. dangbee/dotnethook A hook proof of concept with no native dependencies. wledfor2/playhooky C# Runtime Hooking Library for. tandasat/dotnethooking Sample use cases of the.
2017.11 API Hooking - Using EasyHook to hook NtCreateFile in Notepad.exe. 2017.11 EasyHook 圆4 Notepad API Hook part 2. ulysseswu/vinjex A simple DLL injection lib using Easyhook, inspired by VInj. #HOOK KEYLOGGER VB6 DOWNLOAD CODE#
easyhook/easyhook-tutorials Contains the source code for the EasyHook tutorials found at. easyhook/easyhook The reinvention of Windows API Hooking. sentinel-one/minhook The Minimalistic x86/圆4 API Hooking Library for Windows.
tsudakageyu/minhook The Minimalistic x86/圆4 API Hooking Library for Windows. everdox/infinityhook Hook system calls, context switches, page faults and more. stevemk14ebr/polyhook x86/圆4 C++ Hooking Library. 2017.11 Mhook Enhancements: 10x Speed Improvement and Other Fixes. martona/mhook A Windows API hooking library. tandasat/ddimon Monitoring and controlling kernel API calls with stealth hook using EPT. darthton/hyperbone Minimalistic VT-x hypervisor with hooks. misaka-mikoto-tech/monohook hook C# method at runtime without modify dll file (such as UnityEditor.dll). #HOOK KEYLOGGER VB6 DOWNLOAD ANDROID#
2017.08 Instrumenting Native Android Functions using Frida.2019.01 Application Introspection & Hooking With Frida.2019.10 Automated Frida hook generation with JEB.2019.11 Android Frida hooking: disabling FLAG_SECURE.hamz-a/jeb2frida Automated Frida hook generation with JEB.yungtry/gtasa-d3dhook Directx hook GTA:SA via Cheat Engine.nexus-devs/nexus-hook Hooking functionality for DirectX11 applications.guided-hacking/gh_d3d11_hook Barebones D3D11 hook.niemand-sec/directx11hook Hooking Game Graphic Engines!.rebzzel/universal-d3d11-hook Universal hook for DX11 based games written in C++.gaypig/directx11-hook-with-discord DirectX11 hook with discord.codereversing/directx9hook Runtime DirectX9 Hooking.rebzzel/kiero Universal graphical hook for a D3D9-D3D12, OpenGL and Vulcan based games.aslody/whale Hook Framework for Android/IOS/Linux/MacOS.zeex/subhook Simple hooking library for C/C++ (x86 only, 32/64-bit, no dependencies).kubo/plthook Hook function calls by replacing PLT(Procedure Linkage Table) entries.
jmpews/hookzzmodules modules deps on HookZz framework.jmpews/dobby a lightweight, multi-platform, multi-architecture hook framework.This way, for example, also multilingual. With this editor it is possible to build EXE file independent resource files, which can be read by any project over a DLL at runtime.
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